As we get wiser in life, we start to realize the importance of our spiritual well-being. And as such, we start to pursue a life of peace, happiness, and fulfillment. This is one of the joys in the journey to becoming a Reiki master. Our Reiki Master training at Reiki Energy Healer is designed to open your eyes to a multitude of truths.

Truth 1: You will find your inner peace.
Truth 2: You’ll feel the spiritual energy flowing through your soul
Truth 3: With a simple touch, you’ll be able to heal others

What is a Reiki Master?

A Reiki Master is, in every sense of the word, a master of the healing modality that is Reiki. Before, becoming a Reiki Master meant undergoing tough trials set by the teacher and giving back to the society at large. These days, the path to becoming a Reiki Master does not have to be as laborious anymore. It still is, however, mentally and spiritually taxing as you will have to harness the master symbols and channel Reiki in a way that is completely different from before.

By becoming a Reiki Master, your ability to harness Reiki from the Source will be limitless. You’ll be able to heal all kinds of illnesses, offer an endless supply of love and peace, and so much more.

As a Reiki Master, you have to always be mindful of the energy that you put out towards the world. You are considered as a master, a guru that lifts people into a safe place and helps them discover so many wonderful possibilities about themselves. Needless to say, becoming a Reiki Master is both a gift and a full-time job.

You’ll finally be able to attune others and allow them to harness the energy of Reiki too. Long ago, you were simply the one receiving attunements and letting “chi” flow through you. Now, you will be the one activating this energy flow from the Source and to your students.  

Now, often, we get asked how being a Reiki Master is different from being a level 3 practitioner. They might even ask what is a Reiki level 3 practitioner? Well, the answer will depend on the school that will be addressing this question. For us, a Reiki Level 3 practitioner is someone who is synonymous with a Reiki Master. We use these terms interchangeably–to us, they are but assignments of titles.

What is Reiki Master Training?

For one to take the Reiki Master training, you must complete the prior levels of Reiki training first. In most traditional Reiki schools, this is a requirement. These days, however, one can become a Reiki Master in as easy as 2 days online. However, much needs to be understood in the movement of energy in and around us–we think that there has to be a time in between levels to allow the student to engage with energy and feel it move through them. This is an experience that you cannot get online.

In our Reiki Master training, you’ll be introduced to more sacred Reiki symbols and you will be attuned to harness an even greater amount of energy.

How Long Does it take to Complete the Reiki Master Training

Usually, the process of Reiki level 3 training takes a full year to complete. During this time, the students taking the training will assist in attunements for lower levels of Reiki (i.e., Reiki level 1 and 2). Basically, the students will act as an apprentice to their current master–shadowing his tasks, observing, and taking notes.

What can Reiki level 3 do?

Naturally, as someone who is qualified to take the next level, you may be curious how to practice reiki level 3. As a practitioner of Reiki level 3, you can expect the following things:

You’ll be able to deepen your spiritual process

Healing and the path to spiritual enlightenment is not a straight one. Often, you will face setbacks that might just push you further back. However, Reiki level 3 can help you be more mindful when these setbacks happen, keeping you from spiraling back to where you started. With Reiki Level 3 comes deeper knowing of yourself–your limitations and your strengths. By identifying these, you’ll be able to bring a more potent brand of healing: through physical, mental, and spiritual balance.

Not to mention, through regular practice, your crown chakra will be activated, allowing you to tap into the wisdom that is not just yours, but that of the universe as well.

You’ll heighten your intuition

On top of your crown chakra, your third eye will also be more active. This is the chakra that is in charge of your intuition and inner knowing. With this, you’ll be able to glean more insight as you take a deeper dive into trying to understand the universe.

Even more exciting, you won’t just be trying to understand the universe, you’ll be a medium for its messages too. This is one of your social responsibilities as a Reiki Master.

You’ll feel more empowered

Unsurprisingly, taking Reiki level 3 training is also about empowering yourself in your journey. If level 1 and 2 had simply been about healing, Reiki level 3 is about tapping into the universe’s ancient and powerful wisdom to help others heal as well. You’ll find more and more chances to address this calling day by day–allowing you to feel more aligned with your calling. At the end of the day, this is what empowerment will mean to most people, possibly including you too

You’ll be able to attune others

You won’t just be receiving attunements now–this time, you’ll be the one giving them. With your intention and invocation, you can help others tap into their best and highest self. While that may sound like a lot of pressure, spreading light and good energy is also pretty exciting.

How to prepare for Reiki Master training

For you to begin your Reiki Master training, you need to ask yourself what you want from this path first. This is important: find out what the goal of this training is for you and what it means to you. There are no right and wrong answers here, but clear intentions are truly important.

For you to start training as a Reiki Master, you have to want it. This is not just another certificate in your collection of certificates, this is a responsibility that you will be taking in. It is a serious step that requires plenty of preparation and deliberation.

To know what to expect from reiki master training, you have to understand the pre-requisites of this course first. Here are the 3 requirements that you need to complete:

1. You should have completed your Reiki level 1 and level 2 training
2. You should have at least 6 months between your Reiki level 2 and your Reiki Master training
3. You should have worked as an apprentice for your Reiki master, and have completed here assigned homework

Yes, we know it sounds like you’ll be back in school for a while, but this is what it actually is. Training for Reiki Master level will require you to gain an even deeper understanding of yourself and how energy works. In other words, you will be a lightworker and you have to prepare for it.

What is Reiki Level 3 Attunement

As with most attunements in other levels of Reiki training, getting attuned for Reiki level 3 will open you up to the energy of the universe. This time, it will be far more intense than the first two levels and you might begin to notice the shifts right away.

In this level, your attunement will be particular to the final 2 Reiki Rays of healing energy. On top of this, prior to the attunement process, you will be introduced to 4 sacred symbols of Reiki as well as the 4th Usui symbol.

How to Use Reiki Master Training

There are several ways for you to make the most out of this new achievement that you have unlocked. Now as a Reiki Master, you’ll be able to go deeper into your healing path and even help others make progress in theirs.

Want to know how you can use your Reiki Master training? Here are some of the common ways past Masters and Gurus have used this for:

1. You can use it to explore and understand yourself better
We’ve lived in our bodies and have been privy to our every thought our whole life. However, we don’t always understand what we want, where we want to go, and how we want to achieve that. This lack of understanding of the self often manifests in frustrations and lack of perspective–but being a Reiki Master can help address this. To be a Reiki Master means becoming more mindful and gaining an even deeper understanding of yourself. With your chakras unblocked, you’ll be able to understand yourself more freely and honor your Higher Self better.

2. You can open your own business
If you haven’t already, you can open your own Reiki business. Being a Reiki master is not a requirement for you to start your own Reiki business, but it will surely help you get better recognition from clients. Not only that, but you’ll be able to give back to the community in a more widespread way. You can host events and gather group classes by inviting fellow lightworkers together.

3. You can become a teacher
Being a healer may not be enough, you might also want to be a teacher. Here, you’ll be taking Reiki students under your wing and be responsible for training and guiding their path to healing. For most, this is the path that brings the most satisfaction and empowerment.

    How to Teach Reiki Level 3

    Say you’ve decided to pursue becoming a Reiki Level 3 Teacher. If you’ve successfully completed your apprenticeship with your own Reiki Master and Teacher, then this shouldn’t come with any difficulty at all. After all, you’ve already sat through one too many classes and attunements–you’re ready to facilitate one by yourself.

    If you’re still quite nervous about how to do Reiki Master training by yourself, then you can easily ask for assistance from your old teacher. Most teachers, like us, will consider it our lifelong journey to guide the students who have become part of our school. While still maintaining boundaries, we will be here to answer any questions you might have, even possibly helping you come up with your very own curriculum and leading you towards your best and highest potential.

    Now that you can give attunement to others, you will have to be more discerning and intuitive about the external and internal worlds, both physically and energetically.

    Schedule Your First Session

    If you’d like to learn more about us, or schedule your first session, give us a call at: 631-860-8577. We’re always happy to spread information and help others change their lives.


      Contact Us

      Reiki Energy Healer

      Tobyhanna, PA, USA, PA 18466

      (631) 860-8577

      Maps Coordinates: 40°46'10.1"N 73°21'41.4"W